How Step Down Dry type transformers Can Help Automatically Start and Stop Fans in China Manufacturing Facilities

Step down Dry type transformers can help automatically start and stop fans in China manufacturing facilities by providing a safe and reliable power supply. These transformers are designed to reduce the voltage from a higher level to a lower level, allowing the fans to operate at a safe voltage. Additionally, they can be equipped with a control system that can be programmed to start and stop the fans at predetermined times. This helps to ensure that the fans are running at the most efficient levels, reducing energy costs and improving safety.

SC(B)11 Rated capacity (KVA) Voltage combination(KV) No-load losses(W) Load losses(W) No-load current (%) Short-circuit impedance (%)
SC11-30 30 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 180 710 2.4 4.0
SC11-50 50 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 250 1000 2.4 4.0
SC11-80 80 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 340 1380 1.8 4.0
SC11-100 100 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 360 1570 1.8 4.0
SC11-125 125 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 420 1850 1.6 4.0
SCB11-160 160 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 490 2130 1.6 4.0
SCB11-200 200 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 560 2530 1.4 4.0
SCB11-250 250 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 650 2760 1.4 4.0
SCB11-315 315 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 790 3470 1.2 4.0
SCB11-400 400 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 880 3990 1.2 4.0
SCB11-500 500 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 1050 4880 1.2 4.0
SCB11-630 630 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 1210 5880 1.0 4.0
SCB11-630 630 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 1170 5960 1.0 6.0
SCB11-800 800 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 1370 6960 1.0 6.0
SCB11-1000 1000 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 1590 8130 1.0 6.0
SCB11-1250 1250 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 1880 9690 1.0 6.0
SCB11-1600 1600 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 2210 11730 1.0 6.0
SCB11-2000 2000 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 2720 14450 0.8 6.0
SCB11-2500 2500 6,6.3,6.6,10,11/0.4 3200 17170 0.8 6.0

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