Let us look at the following introduction: After the dry-type transformer is installed, what inspection steps need to be done? The first step, check whether the connection head bolts between the temperature controller body and line are tightened. The second step, check whether the temperature control probe is inserted into the temperature measuring hole. There are 3 temperature measuring holes in total. The third step, check whether the connection between the fan terminal and the power cord is tight. The fourth step, before the fan runs, please tear off the protective film The fifth step, the high-voltage cable is led out from the bottom. The high-voltage cable is fixed by the cable bracket, and there should be a distance of 12CM between the high-voltage cable and the transformer corner wiring. The sixth step, start and debug the temperature controller. Turn on the temperature controller, press the power button to start the power supply, the display shows the temperature of the three-phase transformer coil ABC. The black one is the fuse, and the three blue ones are used to set the thermostat data. To set the data of the temperature controller, first press the setting key, adjust to the third gear by adding and subtracting, and then press the setting key, When the fan stopes, temperature is 60 centigrade, and the temperature can be adjusted by adding and subtracting; The fan starts automatically at 80 centigrade; The temperature controller alarms at 130 centigrade; It trips at 150 centigrade. The manual button of the temperature controller is used to start the fan. After pressing the button, the manual fan starts It is OK, the fan starts normally.
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