Exploring the Benefits of Vacuum Cast Coil Dry type transformers for Fire-Proof Applications

Person 1: “Have you heard about vacuum cast coil Dry type transformers?” alt-161 Person 2: “No, I haven’t. What are they?”
Person 1: “Vacuum cast coil Dry type transformers are a type of transformer that is designed to be fire-proof. They are made with a vacuum-cast coil that is filled with a fire-resistant material, such as silicone or epoxy. This helps to protect the transformer from fire and other hazards.” Person 2: “That sounds like a great idea. What are some of the other benefits of using these transformers?” Person 1: “Well, they are also very efficient and reliable. They have a long life span and require minimal maintenance. Plus, they are very cost-effective, so they can help to reduce energy costs. And, since they are fire-proof, they can help to protect your equipment and property from fire damage.” Person 2: “That’s great! It sounds like vacuum cast coil Dry type transformers are a great option for fire-proof applications.”
TypeRated capacity (KVA)Voltage combination(KV)No-load losses(W)Load losses(W)No-load current (%)Short-circuit impedance (%)
SC10-10001000Voltage combination(KV)2610108001.16.0
SC10-15001500Voltage combination(KV)3600154001.06.0
SC10-25002500Voltage combination(KV)4750218000.97.0
SC10-40004000Voltage combination(KV)6860294000.88.0
SC10-63006300Voltage combination(KV)9680408000.78.0
SC10-1000010000Voltage combination(KV)12660565000.69.0
SC10-1600016000Voltage combination(KV)18900760000.59.0
Person 1: “Yes, they are. They are a great choice for any application where fire safety is a priority.”

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